FreeDOS Networking

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FreeDOS è un sistema operativo opensource 100% compatibile con MS-DOS. Ogni programma in grado di girare su MS-DOS potrà essere eseguito anche da FreeDOS (incluso Windows 3.x!).

Installare vecchi giochi DOS è un'operazione piuttosto semplice, non altrettanto immediata è la configurazione delle interfacce di rete per collegarsi ad Internet.


Esistono almeno 3 modi per collegare un sistema DOS ad Intenet:

  • Novell NetWare: utilizza driver ODI ed il protocollo TCP-IP, sviluppato per collegare fra loro macchine DOS e NetWare.
  • Microsoft Client 3.0": utilizza driver NDIS, permette di integrare un PC DOS ad una rete di macchine Windows / SMB workgroup.
  • Applicazioni TCP/IP: basate sui Packet driver, permettono di configurare servizi come ftp, http, telnet, ssh o NFS in stile "UNIX-like".

Novell "NetWare DOS Client" and "TCP/IP Client"

Novell, former market leader for local networks, hasn't forgotten it's DOS users. The company still provides software for DOS, that can be downloaded and used for free:

On the sites above Novell includes a warning that this software is neither maintained nor supported any longer.

Useful information about Novell's DOS clients can still be found at the newsgroup "" which was active until 2004.

More recent information and useful links about using NetWare with DOS can be found at "DOS Solutions".

Microsoft "LAN Manager Client" and "MS Client 3.0"

Microsoft's programs "LAN Manager" and "MS Client 3.0" are still popular among DOS users. They can be downloaded from Microsoft's ftp-site and are free for "internal use", but not for distribution.

There are numerous webpages about the installation and usage especially of MS Client 3.0, so I won't reinvent the wheel here.
